Saturday, January 15, 2005

Writer's Embellishment to Your Life

Pt. 4

"Um!" Was all you could think of to say.

Eddie Murphy you weren't with his quick answers and ad libs in "Beverly Hills Cop." Come to think of it you were a writer. You weren't good on your feet at all. That's why you wrote so you could take time to gather your thoughts and put them into an order that was good sense. Was this good sense? Was this the right thing to do when you loved your wife and didn't want her to leave you?

"Honey, we have to talk," you said trying to give yourself a minute to gather your thoughts. "I'll meet you in the kitchen in a minute." Now what? You asked yourself.

You hung up the phone on Betty forever. You felt guilty for that, too, but you felt more guilt about your wife. How were you going to fix it?

Nancy was in the kitchen when you got there. You had a crazy idea of offering coffee and then pouring it in her lap accidentally. Because of the pain and the trip to the hopsital she would forget completely about the phone call. Then again it was a really stupid idea.

You took a deep breath and began.


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