Saturday, January 08, 2005

Writer's Embellishment to Your Life

Pt. 3

Your second liaison with Betty went better than the first. You had time together. Nancy did not return home too soon. But something felt wrong. You had been with Nancy too long. You had shared so many secrets, so many hopes, so many dreams.

The sex was good with Betty. Very sensual. Very good all around. But your emotions were tugging you in a different direction. Nancy wouldn't let you go. Or you wouldn't let Nancy go. You hadn't really planned to leave Nancy anyway. I mean, how could you? And now that you had committed adultery, you knew you had to go back for good. You wouldn't continue.

You called Betty the next week. You started talking to her and it was true you cared about her. You told her this. But things couldn't go on. Betty understood. She wasn't looking for anything serious either. She understood you were a married man from the beginning.

In the middle of the conversation, something had happened. Nancy had come into the house and didn't realize you were on the phone. You were in the bedroom with the door shut. Nancy's abrupt voice on the phone sent a shiver down your spine and fear and shock filled your system.

"What's going on?" she said matter of factly. "Dana, who is that?"


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