Thursday, January 06, 2005

Writer's Embellishment to Your Life

Pt. 2

Your trist had been short, but sweet. You had never known forbidden love. You had always been faithful to Nancy. Now you longed for more. Nancy and you cared about each other. You had been together for some thirty years, but something had snapped this year. Something within you had to find out what it would be like to hold Betty and make love to her. Your down comforter and soft cotton sheet swere nothing compared to the feel of her soft skin. Her lips tasted of strawberries not cherries and the feeling when you actually consummated was nothing short of heaven.

You held back that night from Nancy. You held her, but didn't have sex with her. Dinner was quiet with superficial conversation about the neighbor's child with the blue hair who Nancy had seen at the supermarket. Rolling over you mumbled something about lipstick in your sleep, but Nancy's response was, "Huh?"

Your secret was safe. You called Betty the next day and made plans for a second rendezvous.


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