Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Conversations in the Dark

We sat in the dark, you and I,
So filled was the night
With stars and constellations, why
We talked for hours right
Until our night was done
With its brilliant show, right
Until the dark had gone
And the sun came into sight.
Though sand made us quite at home
With sea crashing into shore,
The time demanded us roam,
Saturday we would talk more.
Having been comforted by a friend,
Solace eased my way and
Restless mind eased into slumberland
Night became the next day.


Blogger katehopeeden said...

Nice :)
I love good poetry :)

11:58 AM  
Blogger ken la kier said...

Thanks. You can check out more on I'll try to post more and some occasional short stories and things.

How did you find this site?

12:01 PM  

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